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Discover the new Dream Collection
A collection that is particularly rich in colours, finishes and formats to give shape to every idea of what a home can be and make sure that every room expresses something unique and personal.


Signature: the art of the parquet
When the mastery of an art achieves excellence and produces works that are crafted down to the finest detail to the point of becoming singular, the artist’s signature becomes a guarantee of value and uniqueness. Thus the exclusive character of a parquet called SIGNATURE: planks that are born of the work carried out by expert hands of proven experience.


Browse Slim Collection
SLIM is the collection that concentrates all the elegance and aesthetic value of a true parquet in just 10 mm of thickness, making wood an excellent choice even for renovations or with heated floors.

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Advices on ParquetFind a Dealer


Parquet: isolante acustico per natura

” rel=”noopener”>posare le tavole uniformemente e senza spazi vuoti, attraverso i quali il suono e il rumore potrebbero in ogni caso propagarsi. Inoltre l’uso di materassini fonoassorbenti sotto il parquet, che sono solitamente realizzati in poliestere, sono resistenti alla pressione e agiscono come barriere sonore…


BATTISCOPA D’ARREDO Il battiscopa è un complemento fondamentale della parete. Non solo perché copre il raccordo tra muro e pavimento – sempre imperfetto – proteggendolo dalla polvere e dallo sfregamento dei mobili, ma anche perché decora l’ambiente, contribuendo a definirne stile e volumetrie. Sebbene in…


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